Little Tiny Guys! 1/6000 Figurehead Naval Miniatures

Hi All...  just wanted to post a few photos of some 1/6000 miniatures that I just painted.  Overall, I think these are pretty good miniatures and they paint up pretty well.  I wish that their Destroyers were not cast on the bases, but given how small they are I guess I understand why.

Let me know what you think!

Royal Navy:  Ark Royal, Hermes, Eagle, and Argus
Kriegsmarine:  Scharnhorst and Gneisenau

I added the masts with a little brass...

Custom decals for the decks...

With bases... 


  1. Well, being a long time 1/6000 painter I realize that the cast one bases on the destroyers are a necessity (plus they reduce chances of miscast on the destroyers). I am quite happy with the bases anyway. By the way I think your painting is better than mine!

  2. I know it's been at least 6 years. However, if you grt this message can you tell me where you can purchase these model ships?

  3. Can anyone tell me who might be able to paint a large commission of ships of this scale and quality? If anyone is interested, let know. I have more money than time.


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