
Old Flames of War Miniatures Photos

Still not much time to paint anything new, and someone on my previous post asked me to post "more" of my old photos; so here you go.  This time 15mm Flames of War Miniatures by Battlefront...

Wittmann and his staff in 007.

A dirty Soviet KV-2; I love these big beasts!

Winter Tiger I's.

Exaggerated chipping on command unit of Panzer IVH's.

Platoon of German Tiger II's.  These were featured in Battlefront's "Art of War II" magazine.

German captured KV-2, winter white-washed.

Sdkfz 184 Elefant's.


  1. Man these are brilliant, love the Tigers Is

  2. Your "old" stuff is very good.

    May I tempt you on trying to develop "speedpainting" techniques? Could be interesting (and cut on painting time :-) )

  3. Great Stuff. Any chance of a tutorial for the Winter Panzer I's?

  4. Hey Guys thanks for the comments.

    Braxen - I've attempted speed-painting on occasion but in the end I always go back to the pace that just feels right (which means slow-painting :))

    DaO - To be honest, it's been probably 5 years since I painted these and the techniques I used are lost in time :( As best I can recall, I believe I used a German Grey undercoat and then airbrushed the white camo over the top. Then applied various amounts of chipping using the German Grey (brush, sponge, etc.). Lastly I applied mud and mud colored Vallejo Pumice Gel. Unfortunately, that's probably as best I can remember.


  5. I suffer from the same type of amnesia :-)

    That's why I put on my blogs a quick summary of what went well and what could have been better!...
    It's then engraved for "eternity" in the collective memory of the Matrix.

    Hope to see you painting soon again!
