
German Infantry - The Plastic Solider Company 1/72

I think I may be getting to a style that I like with my infantry; here are a few pictures.  I think the only drawback for me is the time and effort involved.  These took a few hours to complete.  Overall, I continue to be impressed with Plastic Soldier Company's offerings...  great detail and value.  I'm anxious for more releases, even though I'll never have enough time to paint them all :)

Feel free to post some comments and let me know what you think. 

With just the primer coat...


  1. They look great. Very nice painting... And about time... Few hours seems about right for nice models:)

  2. Great work mate!!!
    Fantastic paintjob!

  3. I agree...fantastic job. Great basing as well.

  4. More fine work. I love looking at you painted minis. Well done.

  5. Thanks everyone for the feedback! Many of you provide great inspiration to me on your own sites so thank you :)


  6. I almost had to take cover as these Germans leaped out of my screen

  7. Most excellent! Love the base details too.

    Simply Beautiful!


  8. These are so awesome painted, like it a lot!

  9. Nice figures, thanks for sharing.

  10. Your painting style gives these miniatures a great sense of dynamics, they really stand out, with a realistic look. Hopefully you'll take the time to make a step-by-step tutorial one of these days - I'd find it rather helpful!

  11. Hi Tanner,

    Fantastic job - is there any chance you could do a walk through of your basing techniques sometime?!
    I think it's difficult to do as good a job as yours - in the Goldilocks zone - not too much or too little!


  12. fbminis - a tutorial sounds like a good idea, I just need to find the time :) I'll put it on the schedule.

    Nicholas, I'll be sure to include the basing technique (which is constantly changing :)). In the mean time the basic steps were: 1. apply Vallejo pumice gel with the miniature prior to the primer coat 2. Primer in black 3. paint the ground Vallejo Flat Earth (983) 4. dry bush a 1:1 mixture of Flat Earth and Iraq Sand (819) 5. do another dry brush highlight of Iraq Sand 6. Apply PVA glue around the feet and in random patterns and sprinkle on fine ground foam (I used a mix of Woodland Scenics Yellow Grass and Earth colors) and lastly 7. Apply a couple of tufts of Silflor grass.

    That's it! Hope that helps,

  13. Totally - thank you Tanner! I've been trying to get that effect of texture around the bases for ages - I'll look out for vallejo pumice gel and Silflor tufts at the hobby shop - also never would have guessed the Woodland Scenics.

    Thanks again!

  14. wow, they look insane do you airbrush vallejo primer on them? also you should do a step by step on how to paint them. I have the same 15mm infantry and I can't seem to get them painted right

  15. Jon,

    I do use Vallejo Primer through an airbrush. As for the step by step... it's been a while since I painted these, I will take pictures the next time around and be sure to publish an overview.


  16. Staggering...I've just bought a pack of these and now I've seen yours I'm afraid to paint them. Cracking job.

  17. You have great eye for colour. I don't suppose you'd care to share the Field Grey method as I feel you have nailed the colour most convincingly.

